The 365 Club

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How it works

1. Become part of our exclusive 365 Club

2. You pledge to raise £365 over 365 days

3. You can make a difference with £1 a day

4. We can help more people with Dementia

Your support in the 365 Club will help us ensure we continue to look after the carers of those people with dementia. We do this by providing a respite service to allow carers time off, social afternoons at our centre and a wide range of activities in the community for those living with Dementia. As we are an ageing population it is more important than ever that we are able to continue our services.

What to do next

Complete the Booklet by following the link below.

When you have completed your pledge, and in some cases this may be a little more than £365 should your fundraising idea escalate, you will then be given a special Guernsey Alzheimer's 365 pin in recognition of your pledge.

We would then hope that you could keep our message going of how important our pledges are. With this in mind, you may even want to continue year on year.

Thank you in advance for supporting us by joining our Club.